
** PA: How to Log in to Connect Team (CT), Verify Your Phone Number, Understand the Difference Between User and Admin Dashboards, and sneak peak into Setting Up Your Provider Schedule with Jobs and sub-jobs

Learn how to log in to Connect Team, verify your phone number, and manage your schedule efficiently with our step-by-step guide.

By Larry Legler

In this guide, we'll learn how to log in to the Connect Team application and verify your phone number. This process involves downloading the app, visiting connecteam.com, and entering your phone number for verification. Once verified, you'll receive a text message with a four-digit code to complete the login process.

We'll also explore the Connect Team dashboard, which includes features like Admin and User views, and Job Scheduling. Understanding these elements will help you manage tasks efficiently within the application.

Let's get started

Here’s how to log in to Connect Team and verify your phone number:

1. Visit www.connecteam.com 2. Download the Connect Team application to your mobile phone.

Visit www.connecteam.com You can save this as a favorite in your browser, shown below.
Step #1: Visit www.connecteam.com You can save this as a favorite in your browser, shown below.

You'll enter your phone number to verify.

Click on "Verify"
Step #2: Click on "Verify"

You will receive a text message with a four-digit code on your phone. Enter the code to verify.

Enter the 4-digit code, then click "Verify" to login.

On the dashboard to the left, you'll see an overview, including Job scheduling, Chat, and Courses. On the right, you'll find your user profile avatar, initials and your name.

Click here to view the Products within the Connecteam platform.
Step #4: Click here to view the Products within the Connecteam platform.

For the purpose of training, I have created a user named as "Larry_User". Your username will show here.

Click your username, a drop-down shows more options.

There is only ONE login, but each has two separate views: "Admin Dashboard view" and "User's view"

On the DESKTOP you are automatically logged into an 'Admin view'

On the MOBILE you are automatically logged into the 'User's view'

Click on "Your Username" to switch views.
Step #5: Click on "Your Username" to switch views.

I will start by explaining the 'Switch to User View,' as it’s easier to understand. In this simplified view, you can access your calendar to see the upcoming Referral Shifts you’ve added to your schedule.

This view will also be key when using the 'Time Clock' feature within CT to clock in and out of shift related tasks. Additionally, you'll use this view to communicate with an AFS Admin during your shifts, such as reporting issues or resolving shift-related matters."

Click on "Switch to user's view"
Step #6: Click on "Switch to user's view"

I will switch back to the 'Admin Dashboard view' for the remainder of this training.

This view allows users to create, add, and edit shifts on their own schedule, which is located on the Referral Schedule.

It offers several viewing options, including Day, Week, and Month views, as well as search capabilities—features that are not available in the other view. These tools help you effectively manage and organize your schedule."

Click on "Admin dashboard"
Step #7: Click on "Admin dashboard"

This where you will enter your time and schedule. This is a location for your referral schedule shifts

Click on "Job scheduling"
Step #8: Click on "Job scheduling"

To do that, click on job scheduling to access the "Referral Schedule".

Click on "Access schedule"
Step #9: Click on "Access schedule"

As you can see here, Larry_user, has one shift on Wed 12-4, that comprises of the Shift = "Parent/Child: In Person Visit", and the Job = "2151053 - Longtin..." (which represented by the Visit Referral ID # and Client Name).

To clarify the difference between Jobs and Shifts:

  • Jobs refer to the referrals we work on. Providers do not create jobs; these are created by an AFS Admin.

  • Shifts represent the daily, weekly, or monthly activities we perform for a specific job. Providers create, then append those jobs to their shifts when setting them up within their own schedule.

If you click on "Jobs" you do not have permission to create those, only AFS Admin can.
Step #10: If you click on "Jobs" you do not have permission to create those, only AFS Admin can.

However, you can create and schedule shifts for today. Later you will attach the Job to this shift.

Click on "同" show today
Step #11: Click on "同" show today

Here's my Larry_User row. There are several ways to add a shift, first you can click the " + "to add a shift for a specific day or hit the " . . . " to see other options. For this purpose, we are going to use templates, see the next screen shot.

Click here
Step #12: Click here

We will click on "Templates" on the right-hand side of the screen instead.

Click here
Step #13: Click here

I have templates that automate the process, allowing you to drag and drop items to any specific day. For example, if you have a "Parent/Child visit In-Person Visit" scheduled for today, you can modify the times accordingly, as the times on the templates are placeholders and should be adjusted to fit your schedule days and times.

Drag "Parent / Child :" template
Step #14: Drag "Parent / Child :" template

Drag it over to place it on your date. This will automatically open the templates section back up after dragging this shift, just in case you need to add another shift template to another day.

If not, just click the item you just added, it will disappear the template pop up window. This will allow you to revise the times and other relevant information to match your shift being added.

This information should mimic your updated intake form for this referral you are adding to your schedule.

Click on "12p - 2p" shift just added, if you click this window, it will allow you to revise the times in the next steps.
Step #15: Click on "12p - 2p" shift just added, if you click this window, it will allow you to revise the times in the next steps.

Enter the appropriate "Start" and "End" times for this

If this repeats on multiple days, go here and click "Does not repeat." to change it to a "Repeating shift settings". Set it to the appropriate, for my example I am choosing 'Tuesday and Thursday' and an end date ending on January 31st.

Click on "Does not repeat"
Step #16: Click on "Does not repeat"
for this example of Tuesday and Thursday, select the days it repeats.
Step #17: for this example of Tuesday and Thursday, select the days it repeats.
Click on "After ▾"
Step #18: Click on "After ▾"
Click on "On"
Step #19: Click on "On"
Click on the date that this repeating shift end on...
Step #20: Click on the date that this repeating shift end on...
Click here to view calendar.
Step #21: Click here to view calendar.
Click on the date this repeating shift ends. This will be your "Visit Plan End" Date on referral.
Step #22: Click on the date this repeating shift ends.  This will be your "Visit Plan End" Date on referral.
Click on "Save repeat"
Step #23: Click on "Save repeat"

In this example, the shift will occur every week on Tuesday and Thursday between 12/17/24 until January 31st, 2025.

The start date is the day you add the shift to your schedule (12/17/24), and the end date is the final day of the shift pattern (01/31/25)

If your start date isn't a Tuesday or Thursday, the system will automatically select the closest Tuesday or Thursday between those days for your first and last shifts. This is important to ensure that the shifts align with the "First visit expected to occur on" date on your Intake form and the data in Sprout. If needed, coordinate to make sure the correct days match together.

Next, select the "Job" drop-down box. Jobs are created by an AFS Admin before you set up your schedule, as providers are not able to create jobs themselves, but only append them to their shifts as shown below.

If this process is completed before your shifts are created, you’ll be able to select your jobs here. If not, please reach out to an AFS Admin for assistance. Note that this process is still being planned, so there may be changes along the way

Click here
Step #24: Click here

Next, you'll proceed and say, for example, we select the Job "2094052 - Winders..."

Click on ","
Step #25: Click on ","

Below each Job, you'll find 'sub-jobs,' which represent the steps taken throughout the visit process. We’ve created a list of options (numbered 1 through 8, may be revised in future) and added them to all templates, ensuring you have a selection for any type of visit.

  1. Leave - Transport to Pickup 1

  2. Pickup 2

  3. Pickup 3

  4. Visit

  5. From Visit - Drop-off 1

  6. Drop-off 2

  7. Drop-off 3

  8. Return Home

Here’s a brief training on how to use these:
For tasks like pickups and transports—especially when picking up multiple children—start by selecting "Leave - Transport to Pickup 1" when you’re leaving your house. For each additional child you pick up, choose "Pickup 2" for the second, "Pickup 3" for the third child. If you're doing a virtual visit and don't need to leave home, simply select "4. Visit."

For returning children after the visit, select "From Visit - Drop-off 1" for the first child, "Drop-off 2" for the second, and "Drop-off 3" for the third, if applicable, gather signatures for these.

** Important Note ** Each sub-job will require a signature for each step. If no child is present, you will need to sign for that step yourself: such as step "8. Return Home". Also, step "4. Visit" would be your own signature, as you've already gathered the pickup signature for all 3 children on 1-3, and returning children signatures 5-7. These processes may change, however.

When a child is in your custody, you will need to obtain a signature from the appropriate individual or location where you are picking up AND dropping off the child(ren). This happens at the end of each sub-job switch, more details will be shared with future training on this, please review Time Clock Procedures (in the works).

Further training on how to use these sub-jobs will be provided. For now, we suggest selecting '1. Leave Home-Pickup 1' as your starting sub-job to complete the shift setup and follow to the end of this training.

Step #26: "

The 'Referral Status' is already set to "Active" on the templates. More on the other choices in later trainings, such as when a referral is marked as "Resolved"

Click here
Step #27: Click here

We won't focus on the other options here just yet. Users: You are automatically set up as the user, if you had created a shift using this process. If you want to further include more detail such as address, you can enter it here. There's a section for notes and will also allow you to append and 'attach' your Intake form in .pdf, to these shifts, so you have them within each shift you are working.

Once done, then you can click "Save Draft."

Click on "Save draft"
Step #28: Click on "Save draft"

This creates your shift for Tuesday and Thursday. We'll schedule it every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 to 6 PM until the end date.

Click on ">" to view the next week, to make sure the repeating shift was added correctly.
Step #29: Click on ">" to view the next week, to make sure the repeating shift was added correctly.
Click on ">" to show further weeks and added shifts per the repeating shift.
Step #30: Click on ">" to show further weeks and added shifts per the repeating shift.

We're going back to the show today.

Click on "•"
Step #31: Click on "•"

If you need to edit that, you can click and adjust the time. For example, change it from 4 PM to 6:30 PM.

Click on the shift
Step #32: Click on the shift
It will open in the right side of screen, and edit
Step #33: It will open in the right side of screen, and edit
Let's say I want to change from 3:45pm-6pm to start of 4pm to 6:30pm, I would just select each and edit each time.
Click on "Save draft"
Step #35: Click on "Save draft"

Since you have changed the shift and it's part of a repeating series. It will ask "How would you like to edit?" pop up.

You can choose to the following

Edit this shift only = which means editing this single one day shift only.

Edit all future shifts in the series = means editing all shifts from this day forward to end date. or

Edit all shifts in the series.

Choose which you prefer to do...
Step #36: Choose which you prefer to do...
or this...
Step #37: or this...

I chose change "All shifts in this series" and click "Save Changes."

Click on "Save changes"
Step #38: Click on "Save changes"

Once the changes are saved, the shifts will be marked as 'Draft' and will then be reviewed by an AFS Admin for approval and 'Published' to your Referral Schedule. This process is still being developed, so more details will be provided as we move forward.