** PA: How to Use the Connecteam Time Clock and Job Scheduling
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for using the Connecteam app to manage job schedules and track your time. You’ll learn how to log in, navigate some of the app’s features, and perform essential tasks such as clocking in and out, viewing your schedule and managing job-related actions during field visits.
In this guide, we’ll focus on how to navigate the Connecteam app for managing your Time Clock and utilizing the Job Schedule.
Please note that there are two views in the app: User and Admin. The main difference is that in the 'Admin' view, you'll be creating and managing your schedule, while in the 'User' view, you'll be using features like the Time Clock.
The screenshots provided below are from my mobile device, it's mirroring the Connecteam app interface seen on the mobile. The desktop version of Connecteam will look slightly different and offers more advanced features for scheduling, management and various views.
Let's get started
Connecteam also offers a web version (www.connecteam.com), which is ideal for use on a desktop browser. The web version includes advanced features, such as the ability to create schedules using templates, which the mobile version doesn’t support. The mobile app, on the other hand, is primarily used for in-field time tracking, viewing schedules, courses, and chat.
Now, let’s log in by tapping the Connecteam icon on your mobile phone.

Click "Log In."

Enter your mobile phone number, then click Verify.

It will send you a four-digit code, enter the code, then click "Verify code."

Overview of the User's main screen
Now we're logged into the user view of the mobile app. This is the screen you see every time you log into the app on your mobile. As a Provider, you will have two features here: Time Clock and Job Scheduling. If you scroll down, you'll see other items like "Courses" that you are able to view courses and trainings.
Here's a brief overview: Feed will take you back to your user view, Assets which comprises of the sections you have access to within the platform.

This is where you will access your Chat.

If you click Profile, this will give you access to your profile details within the system, you can update many of these details. This is where you would log out of the app, if ever needed. If so, you would start back at the top with your login phone number and enter the 4-digit code.

When you click Admin view, it will display the areas you're an administrator for within the platform. I’ve set up the providers under the role of titled "Provider Admin."
Such users manage their own job scheduling through the "Referral Schedule." and is the only section where Provider Admins have administrative access to write and manage their own schedules, using the "Admin" tab shown below.

I will demonstrate the Admin later in this procedure, but let's return to the Feed as this brings you back to your 'Users view' just like when you first opened up the mobile app.

Connecteam: Job Scheduling (User View - Viewing Only)
To view your schedule, click on the "Job Schedule" icon.
This will bring you to today’s date within the "Referral Schedule," where you can 'view your shifts'. You can click on specific days to see the shifts for each day, but please note, this section is for viewing only, not for creating or editing schedules.

Connecteam: Time Clock (User View - Enter Your Time)

Jobs represent your referrals and are identified by the 'Visit Plan ID # - Case Name'.
To begin, use the Time Clock to clock into your Jobs.
Each job includes a list of sub-jobs, corresponding to specific steps in the visit referral process, numbered 1 through 8. These steps guide you through the visit and require signatures to be collected at ALL points:
Transfer of Custody: At both pickup (steps 1-3) and drop-off (steps 5-7), in the case of three total children, the caregiver will sign to confirm the transfer of the child’s custody to or from you.
Your Signature: You will sign during periods when the child is under your care (step 4), such as when the visit is taking place, or when no children are under your care (e.g., in step 8, when you return home).
These sub-jobs ensure that all actions are documented, necessary signatures are collected, and your visit is accurately tracked.
Important Note - Action Required:
➔ [Action Required]: For accurate tracking, please use the "Add a note" field to document any delays or issues with the start or end of your visit at any step (1-8). This helps ensure proper time tracking, as times are recorded with each switch.
Step-by-Step Procedure
Here’s how the process works:
Let's go ahead and click "Clock In" to start the time clock, this is when you would be leaving your location to pick-up child 1.

For testing purposes, I've setup just one job named "Setup 20" for my user.

1. Leave - Transport to Pick-up 1: Leaving starting location to pick-up 1st child.

Once you arrive to Pick-up child 1, Click "Switch job" to mark the transition.
This will prompt you to gather the caregiver’s signature confirming the transfer of child 1 into your custody.
➔ [Action Required]: If you did not head directly from your home/location, use "Add a note" field on this switch to note any delays in your travel.
Click "Switch job" to proceed and select the next step if you have multiple children 2 or 3

This message will inform you that a signature and is required for every sub-job. As you leave home to pick up the children 1, 2 or 3, obtain the caregiver's signature for each. Click "Tap to Sign." for each leg.

They will sign your mobile, and then click Save.

After saving the signature, you can notate the Caregiver's Name, Name of Child(ren), Mileage or "Add a Note" to each switch action.

2. Pick-up 2: Travel to Pick-up 2nd Child
What to Do:
After picking up child 1, continue traveling to Pick-up 2.
Click "Switch":
Once you arrive at Pick-up 2, Click Switch to mark this step.
This will prompt you to gather the caregiver’s signature confirming the transfer of child 2 into your custody.
➔ [Action Required]: Ensure you collect the signature before moving on to the next step.
3. Pick-up 3: Travel to Pick-up 3rd Child
What to Do:
After picking up child 2, proceed to Pick-up 3.
Click "Switch":
Once you arrive at Pick-up 3, Click Switch to mark this step.
This will prompt you to gather the caregiver’s signature confirming the transfer of child 3 into your custody.
➔ [Action Required]: Always verify that the signature is collected before leaving each pick-up location.
This is the main referral you are still working on, in this case "Setup 20" here.

4. Visit: Start the Visit
What to Do:
After picking up all the children, and you ARRIVE to your Visit location, you will
Click "Switch" this will be the starting time of your Visit
Signature is required for all sub-jobs, but since all children are in your custody during the visit, you will enter your own signature.
➔ [Action Required]: If you arrived early or late to your visit, please use the field "Add a note" to notate any delays or issues with the start of our visit, since times are started and ended with each switch.
NaNClick on "Switch job"
You will add your signature or an X to signify you completed this step.

5. End Visit, Travel to Drop-off 1 (5. From Visit - Drop-off 1)
What to Do:
After the visit is completed, begin traveling to Drop-off 1.
Click "Switch":
Once you arrive at Drop-off 1, Click Switch to mark the transition.
This will prompt you to gather the caregiver’s signature once you have arrived at their location, confirming the return of child 1 to their custody.
➔ [Action Required]: Be sure to have the caregiver sign before you proceed to the next drop-off.

Click Save.

6. Travel to Drop-off 2 (6. Drop-off 2)
What to Do:
After Drop-off 1, proceed to Drop-off 2.
Click "Switch":
Once you arrive at Drop-off 2, Click Switch again.
This will prompt you to gather the caregiver’s signature confirming the return of child 2 to their custody.
➔ [Action Required]: Ensure the signature is collected and recorded for every drop-off.
7. Travel to Drop-off 3 (7. Drop-off 3)
What to Do:
After Drop-off 2, proceed to Drop-off 3.
Click "Switch":
Once you arrive at Drop-off 3, Click Switch again.
This will prompt you to gather the caregiver’s signature confirming the return of child 3 to their custody.
➔ [Action Required]: Ensure the signature is obtained before moving on to the final step.
Let's say we drop off the second child.
And now we want to go home. We're driving home. We have no children. Let's change our job.
Click on that.

8. Home: Clock Out After dropping off last child, then Returning Home (8. Home (X) No Signature)
What to Do:
After all children are dropped off, return home.
Click "Switch":
There’s no need to click "Switch" as this is your final step in the sub-jobs.
Clock Out:
Simply Clock Out by selecting “End Shift” on the Connecteam time clock once you have returned home.
Verify your shift details by confirming the hours before submitting.
➔ [Action Required]: If you experience any delays or deviations from your normal route (whether for pick-up or drop-off), be sure to document it in the 'Notes' section of each "Switch" action.
When you reach home or your ending location, you will click "End Shift" as this physically end your shift and stops the time clock.

It still requires you to add your signature, so click Save.

Then, we need to click "End Shift" again.

It will show your time clock hours, with a "Confirm Hours" button at the bottom to submit them.

Connecteam: Admin (Enter your Own Schedule on mobile)
That's primarily how you use the time clock. To enter your own schedule, click the "Admin" tab.

Click on Job Scheduling.

This is where you would add a shift. For example, you would add a shift for today.

We will cover this in more detail during our video, but we will select Job.

Here is the list of jobs. You'll need to search using your visit ID number or by name of the Job you are creating a shift for.
Choose the Job and sub-job number:
1. Leave - Transport to Pickup 1 (or other appropriate sub-job for your type of visit)

Your referral status should be marked as "Active" because it is currently in an active state.

The "select last user" will be used and filled in with the current last users name, so once a shift is marked as a "Resolved Referral", this identifies the last user prior to the change to "Z-Resolved Referral" user. This will be discussed in detail later.
The other two fields "room booking," and "select open New: 4th" are not currently in use.

If you're adding your own schedule and realize you've missed something, you can correct it by adjusting the date and other details. For example, if you want to set a shift for January 9, 2025, between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM, here's how to do it:

If we try to publish the shift, it should give us an error. Provider Admin's only have the capability of creating "Draft" shifts, and a support Admin would publish them once you have created them [Publish Draft Shift Procedure here]

You don't have the required permissions to Publish. You need to save the draft.

Select the job.

I need to select something. We're going to set it up.

You need to set that up when you're doing it.

We will save and then select "Save Draft."

Today, between 6 AM and 7 AM, you have a shift here. This is how you add a shift on the mobile app. There's more you can do on the desktop, which we'll discuss in detail. You can set up recurring and repeating events, so you don't have to add a shift for each day individually.
You can specify it for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday if needed. That concludes our discussion for today.